Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Blazing Saddles...sort of

I have to admit, I was more than a little curious last night as I was flipping through the channels and saw that ABC Family channel was showing Blazing Saddles !! I caught it at a commercial and just had to see just how this could be...I mean, ABC is owned by Disney !! And, this was on the Family Channel of all places. I knew that it was going to have to be edited and I wanted to see just what they were able to keep in.

I was amazed as they came back from commercial to the scene of a group of cowboys sitting around a fire eating beans. Of course we all know what happens next. But instead of hearing the usual outcome of a bean supper, the censors had filled the space with random horse neighs and winnies. The cowboys still made faces, did the lean, etc. but to someone who may have never seen the movie before, it must of been pretty confusing when someone said "More beans Mr. Taggert?" and he replies "I'd say you boys have had enough!" while waving is hat through the air. Come on now....they really needed to cut out the fart noises??!! Maybe the editors haven't seen the Sponge Bob or even Rug Rats lately.

I could only take about 5 more minutes as complete scenes were cut out and others were just (badly) dubbed.

My confusion lies in that I can't figure out why they even bothered. Surely, they could of found something else to put on that was entertaining without going through the considerable effort of hacking this classic to death.

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