Monday, August 07, 2006

James Braddock

Watched Cinderalla Man over the weekend. Good movie.

My "uh huh" moment came at the closing credits. the story is all about this boxer who fights (bad luck) all through The Depression just to keep the heat on and any food ont the table for his wife and kids. Eventually, he gets back into boxing, wins some fights (all the while getting himself beat up) and eventualy becomes Champ in a time when people actually liked/cared about/respected boxers. This made him one of the biggest stars in the world at the time.

He does all this...wins...(eventually losing the title to Joe Louis) and then the last credit says something like "Jim went on to serve bravely in World War II" Wow. To say that (some) men were made of different stuff back then is an understatement. Of course the movie shows men back then (just like today) willing to make a buck at all costs, but i think the gap between those guys and the good guys was much wider back then.

Could you imagine any professional athlete today "taking off a year or two" to head over to Iraq?


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