Thursday, February 21, 2008

Where Eagle's Fish

when we were up at Cedar lake last weekend we saw an amazing site. Turns out, we must have a local bald eagle in the area. Early in the afternoon this huge bird starting flying back and forth about 15 feet of the surface of the lake (long since frozen). Turns out, it was waiting for the guys to move out of the way who were ice fishing in a few spots out there. As soon as they moved to a different hole in the ice, the bird would hop over to the hole...waiting for a fish to jump out perhaps ? Not sure if he ever got one, but it was pretty cool to think about how the bird learned to be that patient and comfortable with humans and develop a symbiotic relationship with the fisherman. I'm interested to see if it sticks around after the ice melts and fishing is dramatically easier for all of us. - TK

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